Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Volleyball Roster

My oldest son just brought home his JV Volleyball roster listing the names of his teammates and their parents. There are twelve players and he is the only one to not have both a mom and dad listed. When I saw this reality in black and white it made me feel very sad - for both my son and me. On a fairly regular basis evidence of my widowhood pop up and I am always struck by how strongly it impacts me. I don't think there is ever a day that goes by where I don't internally acknowledge my widowhood but when the signs come at me in black and white it is like a double whammy. Yet another reminder (this time visual) of the situation.

There was blog talk a few days ago about "widow cards." I think it is absolutely amazing and creative that one widow actually created "widow cards" to pass out to people! Visualization can be better understood sometimes than trying to explain to someone verbally. This got me to think that I should copy this roster for the next time someone (usually married) gives me a hard time when I mention how tough things can be. I'll whip out this copy from my purse and say, "Try and understand how hard it is to keep on going with a smile on your face and hope in your heart when you're doing it on your own among a sea of two-parent households!"

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